Friday, September 16, 2011

"Extra Large,'Please"

There is quite a few statistics to back me up as to why I believe that the United States is a health-conscious nation. To start off, since 1980 the number of obese American children has tripled. This means that more than 16 percent of children can qualify as obese. Also, there were physical tests taken by students in California grades 5-12, and 8 out of 10 of those students failed. This is influenced by students not being encouraged to do daily exercise, or even spend 20 minutes of their electronics just go out side. Lastly, about 20 percent of out nations schools have sold chain restaurants rite in their lunch line. With fast-food and junk-food being so openly available to these students they tend to consume large daily amounts of it, thus becoming obese. There are many solutions to solving this growing epidemic, but first, all of our nation must recognize that there is a  problem and agree that something has to be done in order to change the future for our children.

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